American Akitas vom Wächterberg

At the dog obedience school in Großharthau

American Akitas should be obedience trained by their owner. A good obedience class, perhaps beginning with puppy kindergarten, will guarantee you a firm bond with your Akita and a well behaved dog. Remember, Akitas are extremely intelligent and tend to get bored easily. They learn quickly, so short training periods are suggested. This keeps the dog from becoming bored. Akitas are also very stubborn and when the dog thinks it is a waste of time to "sit" or "stay" one more time, he will simply walk away. So obedience training requires patience.
For almost 10 years we have been regularly attending our local obedience school in Großharthau. Meanwhile there has grown a nice small group of 11 Akitas and American Akitas and their owners, but of course there are other breeds, too. It’s not just a MUST DO for us to go there, we also really enjoy these visits, as we meet friends, learn something new and work with our dogs.
Here we want to show you some impressions of today’s afternoon at our dog school.

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