The Christmas holidays are behind us once again and we hope you all have spent with your loved ones a few relaxing hours.
There is always our junior’s birthday that falls on Boxing Day and so we celebrated yesterday his 27th.
Meanwhile, yesterday we received some sad news from Ohio: Jane's mother Sonia Red Frerose Arbor Lane has gone over the rainbow bridge. She was 13 years and 4 months old. Jane's breeder Karen Gerner wrote us: “I wonder now how to live without an Akita.“ Goodbye sweet Sony and rest in peace.
We want to thank you today for the many Christmas greetings. There were only a few with photos, but very pretty. Of course, we want to show them, you know, the same procedure as every year.

Christmas greetings from Sandra and Stefan with Goya, Mogli and Kenzo

Merry Christmas from Freia, Joachim and Fumiko

Christmas greetings came from Hanko with Ute and Werner from Schwelm

All good wishes from Petra and Markus in Austria with their four Akitas

Merry Christmas from American Akita from Katana-Ken.

Christmas wishes from Doris with Ally and Annika

Merry Christmas from Heiko and Carmen with Bea and Akyo.

Wir wünschen allen Akitafreunden frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes, erfolgreiches und gesundes 2012!
Merry Christmas and a happy 2012 to all American Akita friends!
Joyeux Noël et Meilleurs Voeux de Bonheur pour 2012 par les amis de Akita!
Zalig Kerstfeest en een gelukkig 2012!
God Jul och gott 2012!
Feliz Navidad y prospero 2012!
Glædelig jul og et godt og lykkebringende år 2012!
Buon Natale e Felice Anno 2012!
This is the way it looks when our Shadi is asking Jane to play and sometimes he is lucky and our Jane chases with him back and forth across the garden. Not in a dream we would have expected that at the end of that day our Shadow’s life was in real danger.
In the evening when we went for a walk with our two Akitas, we noticed that Shadow was different than usual, he turned around again and again, did not run as rapidly as usual, was not as enthusiastic as usual. Back home he did not find any rest, laid down, stood up again, ran through the apartment and started to whine. This restlessness got stronger in the following hours, so then we already knew and suspected something serious, we could not wait for the night. At half past 11, we drove to our vet and after x-ray our assumption was confirmed. Bloat (stamach torsion) - a nightmare for all dog lovers.
The good thing was that Shadi’s circulation was still reasonably stable. But nevertheless, the statistics say a quarter of all the dogs with a bloat do not survive. Shadow was operated immediately and you can hardly imagine how bad the time was that we had to wait now. And then finally, the vet called and redeemed our tension with the news that Shadi had survived the op well and was waking up slowly.

This nightmare was 9 days ago. In the last week it went better with Shadi , every day a bit, and now he is almost the old one. Almost, because he eats his food slowly and with caution now. Our vet even joked that we had spoken a serious word with Shadi, that he no longer swallows his meals.
Right before Christmas our greatest wish has already come true, we have not lost our Shadi and we wholeheartedly thank our vet doctor Mr.Dziwok and his team.

So completely different from winter we start the Advent season today. At stormy wind but brilliant lat. autumn sun Shadi and Jane enjoy our afternoon walk. What unusual mild November weather and still no snow in sight. However, we want to wish all of you out there a happy Advent season.
Christoph spontaneously invited for a small autumn hike in the valley of the river Elbe.. A nice little group of 10 hikers, 5 American Akitas, a boxer dog and Doberman bitch Sunny finally came together.
Our route took us along the Elbe river, across the railway bridge in Lower Wartha by Tännichtgrund, past old quarries to the natural monument "five brothers". The five brothers are five hundred-years old chestnuts that have been declared as a natural monument because of their age and their specific expression. There are several legends, one reads something like: Five brothers went out to find their sister who had been abducted by a dragon while bathing in a sheep pond. In the fight with the dragon, the brothers were killed. On the wedding day with the dragon the girl was able to flee. Later, she planted in memory of her five
brothers each a chestnut tree.
Having arrived back at Christoph’s it was already dark and in his wine cellar we finished the beautiful afternoon with quince liqueur, wine and sandwiches.
Thanks to our guide Christoph and attached there are a few photos as usual.
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Our Shadi is three years old today.Unbelievable, as time goes by, just a handful of puppy and today a handsome fellow. Happy birthday, dear Shadi, great to have you here with us.