As there is plenty of snow at the moment it is not quite easy to find a good way for a walk in and around Ohorn. Many hiking trails are just not walkable now. There are a few comfortable paths in the Luchsenburg forest near Ohorn. But as there were many skiers and Sunday walkers today we slogged through the undergrowth and sometimes had to wade through 50 centimetres deep powder snow.
We traditionally go for a walk with a little group of Akitas and their owners on Boxing Day. This year we climbed the Picho, a big hill in the mountainous country of Lusatia. Unfortunately, there was no snow anymore but we had some great sunny walking-weather.
Having some exercise in fresh air was delightful for all of us. As usual we want to show you some pics of that day.
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In the last days we received a lot of Christmas mails and we want to say thank you for all of them. We especially enjoyed the attached photos, which we want to present here.
Hallo, wir wünschen Euch allen ein frohes Fest und kommt gut ins Neue Jahr.
Hallo Familie Bosch,
wir wollten Euch ein Frohes Neues Jahr wünschen! Viele Grüße an Eure Akitas!
Und einen Guten Rutsch!
Viele Grüße aus dem Thüringer Wald!
Steffi Bischoff und Balou
well we wish you a very happy christmas and a great 2010.
best wishes from kelly, michael ,kimiko , indi and family
Wir möchten Euch frohe Weihnachten und einen Guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr wünschen.
Grüße von unserer Rasselbande Goya und Mogli
Ich wünsche Euch ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und ein glückliches und vor allem gesundes neues Jahr!
Nach langer Zeit wollen wir Euch wieder mal ein Lebenszeichen von Euriko senden. Seid Eurem Besuch damals bei uns ist schon viel Zeit vergangen. Nach wie vor ist Sie eine ganz Liebe. Wir sind sehr froh, dass Sie bei uns ist und unseren Alltag bereichert.
Wir wünschen Euch allen ein besinnliches Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Rutsch in´s neue Jahr.
Liebe Grüße Andreas,Steffi, Jessica und Thorben Buttny
Hallo Ihr lieben Hundefreunde,
ein ereignisreiches Jahr neigt sich dem Ende.
Wir wünschen Euch und Euren Familien ein besinnliches Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr.
Ich bedanke mich herzlich für das entgegen gebrachte Vertrauen und freue mich schon auf weitere gemeinsame Hundestunden.
22nd October, 2009
Today is our Chey's 12th birthday. Every day again we are glad that our old girl keeps up with us and our other Akitas quite well. However, the ravages of time demanded their tributes, and it hurts to see Cheyenne that used to be so powerful, is losing her agility and power more and more. It's difficult for her to stand up or lay down, to get into our car or to walk quickly.
Still she is such a beautiful American Akita female with an outstanding temperament and our sweetheart. We hope our good old girl will stay with us quite a long time.
Dear Akita friends, in July we advised you of Lasse Hallström's film "Hachiko - A Dog's Tale", which appears in German cinemas in this autumn.
This is a Hollywood-remake of the Japanese original- the 1987 film Hachiko monogatari. A Wonderful movie that tells the true
story of an Akita's devotion to his master.
Recently we got the German trailer to the new film which we want to show you here as well.We think this film is a must for every
Akita lover and we definitely will go and watch this film. Although we think, Hallström's film will not be able to hold a candle to the Japanese production due to its lack of authenticity.