Today we celebrate our junior’s first birthday. When we remember the first pictures of him and the sweet ball of wool that we picked up in Czarny Dunajec, it’s hard to believe what a powerful and imposing American Akita he has become.
In every way Shadow is something unique for us and never before we had or have bred an American Akita that was similar. Right from the start we were fully streched cause of Shadow’s lively and hot temper, and his never-ending zest for action caused some trouble in our family pack.
Shadow is incredibly curious and likes to control everything in and around our house.
He is very alert and shows us whenever there is something unusual beyond our fence.
He is well-behaved in our dog school and usually does what he is told to do.
Apart from that he behaves very differently. In his territory – and that includes not only our garden but all the paths around Ohorn where we go for a walk – he feels like a macho and grumbles to all quadrupeds, no matter if male or female. On neutral terrain he is relaxed and mostly ignores other dogs. Also, in a reastaurant he can be good and waits quietly under our table.
Smooching with Shadi is so much fun and he really enjoys those minutes.
All in all we can say that we never want to miss Shadi again. He is a part of our family and has brought a lot of joy, variety and topics for conversations into our daily routine. He is not quite ready, of course, and still has to learn some good manners, but with repose, calm and consistency we will manage it.

As you know Shadow is a little artist that was piouretting in the snow last winter. Now he has found a new interesting activity -- to juggle the ball on his nose. Unfortunately it does not work so well yet, but we hope Shadi keeps on with practicing
Despite the fuss about our current I-litter we don’t want to forget that there are also some gorgeous doggis that we have bred in previous litters. Recently we got some new photos and e-mails from their families for which we say Thank You and so we were able to update the websites of:

Yesterday, on August 24th, our Jane got her puppies. It was an incredibly exciting day and we had to gain some new experience that we never had so far.
Altogether there are five puppies: three boys and two girls. All of them have a weight between 400 and 500 grams. One male is white and the other two ones are dark with white markings. One girl is brown and the other one is dark with white markings, too.
read on…

Last week we went on holiday to the Baltic Sea and Jane was able to join us.
We had booked a nice holiday apartment in Kühlungsborn and although there are a lot of tourists, hotels, cafes and restaurants in this area, dogs are welcome wherever you go.

Meanwhile we are sure that Jane is pregnant and you can still see that she is expecting puppies. She spent the main part of the time sleeping or lying next to us. Swimming in the Baltic Sea was not one of her favourites but she especially liked the smell of delicoius fried fish rising out of the many restaurants.

However, Jane was calm and lovely to all the other doggies and people that we met and talked to and we did not get tired explaining what breed she belongs to. Well, American Akita, of course.

Stefan and Sandra visited us again in their summer holidays together with Goya and a 7 month-old female Hannah, that actually lives with Sandra's mum.
We were excited if Shadow will like to two girlies but unfortunately we had to accept that he does not want any other dogs in HIS garden.

After tea we went for a walk through the Luchsenburg wood and that was great for our doggies Shadi and Jane as well as Goya and Hannah. Goya showed us how noisily she can spy deer. And in the restaurant Forsthaus zur Luchsenburg we had some very well-behaved doggies.
Aditional some photos of this nice afternoon.

Exercise for a prospective show visit: Shadi has to show his teeth to Stefan without grumbling.