There are exactly seven weeks between these two photos and you can see that our Shadow has grown a lot. With 4 months altogether he has a weight of 21 kilos and it becomes more and more difficult to carry him down and up the stairs several times a day. Meanwhile he knows that he must not pee in the flat. He loves our tours through the woods and enjoys romping in our garden with Jane. He is a master in getting down flowerpots, pilfering kiwis out of the fruit bowl, tearing old newspapers or taking dog beds to pieces.

As you can see our Shadow is a real little artist. Here he is piouretting in the snow 🙂

Four months after having lost our Bruno, we are very proud to announce our new male member of our American Akita pack. We decided for a male puppy of the Polish FCI -kennel Buckshot Akitas.

Last weekend we went on our 500 km-tour towards the Upper Tatra in Poland to pick up our Shadow. We were welcomed very friendly by the breeders Barbara and Mirek and it was a great pleasure to meet Shadow, his brothers and sisters and his parents Boston and Aspen. Shadow is a really gorgeous puppy and on our way home he was a faithful little boy.

Our two girls Chey and Jane welcomed him a bit reserved but we are sure the ice will break soon.

Jane, Gina, Cheyenne und Eichiro
Actually, we have become a considerable number of Akita friends in our
local dog school, exactly 12 altogether. Today there was only a small group of Akitas left.

No reason not to try out our new camera. And that is why Jane, Chey, Eichi and Gina have lined up for a family photo, as you can see here.
11th September 1995 - 25th August 2008
Our friends
wait at the Rainbow Bridge.
The sun is warm and they are content,
knowing we remember
and that, one day we will come.

We lost our beloved Bruno who has crossed the bridge ahead of us. He stays in our hearts and memories and we can never forget him. Farewell, dear Bruno. We miss you so much.

Goya and her family Sandra and Stefan took the chance to visit us in their summer holidays.

At the beginning we were not sure if Chey and especially Jane would accept a female competitor in their garden, but Goya showed exactly the right behaviour: she laid down on her back and everything was clear and we enjoyed the good old harmony in our pack.

Later on we climbed a near mountain and had fun with a barbecue in rain. Nevertheless it was nice to meet Goya, Sandra and Stefan again.

Goya has matured very well, she is a bit taller than her mum and she showed us her friendly and lively character.

Here you can see some pictures of our tour.