Today was the great day. Our Jane whelped 7 puppies: 2 boys and 5 girls. They are fine and weigh about 400 grams each. Their colours are white (2), pinto (1) and brown with white signs (4). We are so proud of our Jane which managed everything confidently and calm.

Tomorrow there will be new pictures of each puppy.

Now the first half of Jane's pregnancy is over. Like in the last year we didn't notice so many changes. Of course there was a short time when she ignored her food, but now she eats like a horse. She loves it when we massage her belly and her teats have become bigger. Not a second she leaves us alone, always comes after us. But dog school is still the greatest for her. There she can whizz through the woods. But now the pups are going to grow quickly. Then the time for flitting is over.

"Oops, quite high here!"

Some weeks ago we had a terrible storm in Germany called Kyrill. He left a trace of destruction especially in our woods. Every day a lot of trees are pulled out of the forest and piled up next to the paths. A great thing for Jane. She loves it to climb these piles as you can see in this picture.
Last year in Minnesota and now in Hawaii. Our American Akita Eizan has already seen a lot of the world with his young two years. We are glad that he is fine and put in three new pictures on his site.

Today our Jane has been bred to Eichiro vom Wächterberg. Eichiro is an excellent male out of our E-litter. In November 06 he got his breeding license.
Here are the results of his necessary vet examinations:
- patella/kneecap: no abnormality detected (NAD
- ellbows: NAD
- shoulders: NAD
- hips: NAD (HD-free)
- eyes: NAD
The puppies will be born around April 10, 2007. We are so excited.
Update, here they are.
After waiting for so long we finally got snow. And our Akitas really love it. Here some pictures of today taken before and during our dog school.
And we put in some new pictures of Faizah-Bopper. Enjoy having a look at them.

Chey in the snow till her knees.

Our two girlies as a portrait

Here once again.

All are listenig attentively.

Chey in the forest