Unable are the Loved to die
For Love is Immortality.
(Emily Dickinson)
We are very sad to report that Bea passed away on 23 October, 2014. She was deeply loved and the 14 years she had with Heiko and Carmen were very precious.

Again, we have to go on search for one of our previous puppies. And again we hope for a quick and good solution.
Indi, a male from Jane's I-litter is now being passed from his family. He is currently at the public animals’ home in Gütersloh, which informed us by phone yesterday.
On their website there is the following information:

Indi was given to us because he was overwhelmed with the many children in his home.
The neutered male Akita was born in August 2009 and is a very impressive dog.
Indi is open to people, fees close to individual family members and has a strong hunting instinct.
In the house he is a good boy who can easily stay alone for a few hours.
For this wonderful dogs we are looking for dog-experienced people who can lead Indi lovingly but consistently. In his last home he has learned a few basic commands, however, there is an urgent need to catch up.
He is a strong, very powerful dog, his new owners should be tough enough to handle him in everyday life.
Who can offer him a new loving home?
Quelle Bilder und Text: http://www.tierheim-guetersloh.de/
In der Worth 116
33334 Gütersloh
Telefon: 05241/40 09 22

Nice photos from Balou and Steffi. Awesome couple, isn't it?
Balou is a son of Bea and a grandson of Chey and Bruno.

On Friday, 19/09/2014, our Bea was 14 years old. What an incredible age for an Akita even as she was seriously ill two years ago.

Her fur is still cuddly, nice, soft and white and who knows ... maybe we will celebrate her 15th next year.
Happy Birthday, dear Bea.
Aktualisierung (28.09.2014): Fumiko darf in ihrem Zuhause bleiben. Nach eingehender Prüfung ihres Wesens und der häuslichen Gegebenheiten durch verschiedene Hundetrainer und Behörden konnte Fumiko kein erhöhtes Aggressionpotential nachgewiesen werden. Somit darf sie bei Freia und Joachim bleiben. Wir freuen uns mit ihnen und haben festes Vertrauen, dass ein derart trauriger Unfall nie wieder passiert.

Fumiko is an 8 years old brown American Akita female from our F-litter . Her parents are Jane and Aaron. We are looking for Akita - experienced people with time - as single dog or a second dog to a male one. Children in the same household should be older and reasonable. If you meet these conditions and can offer Fumiko a loving new home, we would be pleased to arrange contact with her family.

The annual summer visits from Sandra and Stefan together with Goya and Kenzo have already become a kind of tradition. And every year it gets a little more tiring, according to the length of our hikes. So this year Olaf chose a stretch from the Waldscheibe in Rammenau over the Heiterer Blick to the Butterberg in Bischofswerda. After we had walked back the whole way again, we had mastered a considerable distance of 13 kilometers and this at high summer temperatures. Our 4 doggies behaved perfectly, no dog dispute, no run refusal despite high heat. All in all a nice afternoon, where we have also discovered something new in our environment.