For perhaps the last time Carmen and Heiko invited to a traditional Akita meeting in Biehla. At beautiful weather a total of 13 American Akitas, an Akita female, a Doberman female and a Bordeaux dog male with their families came together that afternoon.
As always Blechis had prepared well this afternoon with a short hike, with coffee and cake at the big pond in Biehla and with a tasty barbecue. And as always it was nice to inspect all the Akitas and to share pieces of experience with other American Akita owners..
We are particularly pleased that Sandra and Stefan with Kenzo and Goya had made the great distance from Lake Constance just to be together with us Akitafriends.
Finally, there's still a big thank you to Blechis and all good wishes to our good old Bea. May she still have a long, happy and healthy time with us.
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What a typical April weather today. Sun, wind, hail, snow flakes are changing every half hour.Nevertheless, there was a special surprise at our dog school today. The first riding hall games in Großharthau. A great program with a visit from the Easter Bunny, the circling of the recently completed renovated riding hall and a tournament competition for our dogs in the riding hall. A fun contest where each team have to run an obstacle course as quickly as possible. Great fun for man and dog, and not always so simple. The winning team, which included Jane by the way, also received a trophy and the second winners were rewarded with a giant bottle of champagne. All participants received a commemorative medal, and the doggies were happy about delicious pig ears.And once more we can say at this point that our dog school is a great club and we feel in good hands. Even with American Akitas.
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Very traditionally the dog and horse lovers of our dogs™ club again today took a ride to the "big star". Just 4 °C. The chilly Easter weather did not deter us, we have already walked in snowstorms. Having arrived the little ones went on Easter egg hunt in the woods while the older ones enjoyed eggnog, homemade Easter lamb and other delicacies.
A nice trip, as every year on Good Friday.
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Happy Birthday, to all our G-litter-Akitas, which are fantastic five years old. And on behalf of the 7 you see here Geisha-Annika with her pack leader Ally and Mistress Doris.

Liebe besteht nicht nur darin,
dass man einander ansieht
sondern, dass man gemeinsam
in die gleiche Richtung blickt.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Shadi loves this toy Kong, less for playing, but rather filled.with yummy stuff.
However, last Monday we found out that Shadow had swallowd a piece of that Kong. Having googled on the Internet I read that such a swallowed piece of rubber toys can be quite dangerous in the dog's stomach and can become as hard as stone in the intestine it can lead to the closure. Some dog owners have reported horror stories of emergeny surgeries.

Yes, and what can I say, today, a week after that fateful Monday Shadi was choking the thing out again. The whole thing at once. We are so glad. For lasting memories, it is now on the desk. And for Shadi? Never ever a Kong again.
We went to Klingenthal for a short holiday last week. First we had a look at the famous Vogtland Arena. It ss really quite spectacular to watch. Too bad that no ski jumpers were in action. That would have been an experience. Then we walked to the Aschberg (917 m). There was a lot of snow. Finding a really good trail was not easy. All trails for skiers. The woods looked like fairy forest. The doggies liked it too. From the Aschberg you really had a great view.
The next day our route led us to Schoeneck and from there to the dam Muldenberg. Something to know: The dam of the Muldenberg is a curved wall made of stone masonry. It was built in 1920-1925 near Schoeneck. It has the longest mural crown of all dams in Saxony.
Yes, this tour was much more exhausting than the one of the previous day. We were running a good 16 km –route. That was probably the last winter day this year, the next day we drove on to Bavaria, it was already warm and spring-like. As always, a few winter holiday snapshots.
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