American Akitas vom Wächterberg

Eyes for Jane only

A surprising visitor has announced himself. Our Dojo popped around on his way to Katrin's mum near Zittau. Although it was already dark you can recognise him in the pictures quite well because he is such a bright one. And he only had an eye for Jane which was at the end of her standing heat. He pulled out all the stops of his male charm to beguile Jane. Finally her ears were wet of his permanent licking.

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1 Comment

  • Klaus Plewa says:

    Ich bin immer wieder begeistert von Euren Hunden und natürlich von Eurem Internetauftritt. Könnt mir glauben, dass ich die Seite jeden Tag besuche. Wünsche Euch wirklich alles erdenklich Gute für die Hundezucht. Klaus

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